Robert J. Kolasa
Oct 11, 2020

Robert J. Kolasa
Oct 11, 2020
ACTEC Family Estate Planning Guide
The ACTEC Family Estate Planning Guide offers families insight into the fundamentals of wills and trusts to encourage planning. This...
Tel: 847-234-6262
Email: robert@kolasalaw.com
For many years, the estate and gift tax laws provided for a $600,000 tax exclusion with a top 55% rate, plus an extra 5% tax rate for estates over $10 million.
Even if clients have property funded Living Trusts, efficient trust settlement requires a thoughtful process. Too little attention is paid to the human factor in settling trusts.
No one is at his or her best when grieving the loss of a loved one.
More and more people are using the legal system to deprive others of their life’s
work. Over 19 million new lawsuits are filed in the United States every year, many of which are frivolous or settled for sums greater than the actual liability.
Robert J. Kolasa, Ltd. can
help you devise a specialized plan that will help spare your family members countless headaches and mitigate the financial costs of managing your affairs upon disability or death.
Robert J. Kolasa, Ltd. has successfully helped executors administer many probates (death & guardianships) in Lake and Cook County since 1993.
Families with significant assets should consider advanced estate planning strategies in addition to conventional estate tax planning in their living trusts.
Estate tax portability was created under the federal rules as a relief provision for married taxpayers not having the planning prowess to establish a credit shelter trust at the death of the first to die.